"No hay que temer al más allá. El peligro está en el más acá. Ninguna venganza divina es tan temible como el poder del ser a ras de suelo.
Somos capaces de lo peor y de lo mejor. Manipulamos el entorno a nuestro antojo: deforestación, clonación, manipulación genética, injertos, etc. Algunos tienen súper poderes, como construir naves que llegan al espacio exterior, edificios que se doblan como el bambú o trenes que atraviesan rocas y montañas.
La imagen del dios hercúleo queda mermada ante el poder de estos devastadores, mini dioses antropomórficos."
"There’s no need to fear the beyond. The danger lies in the here and now. No divine retribution is as fearsome as the power of beings grounded on the earth.
We are capable of both the worst and the best. We manipulate our surroundings at will: deforestation, cloning, genetic manipulation, grafting, and more. Some possess superpowers, like building spacecraft that reach outer space, buildings that bend like bamboo, or trains that cut through rocks and mountains.
The image of the Herculean god pales in comparison to the power of these devastating, anthropomorphic mini-gods."
Playing at Sonora Beach
Playing at Sonora Beach
Playing at Sonora Beach
Playing at Sonora Beach
Playing at Sonora Beach
Playing at Sonora Beach
Playing at Sonora Beach
Playing at Sonora Beach
Playing at Sonora Beach
Playing at Sonora Beach
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